Gift Catalog
How It Works
Step 1
Choose lifesaving gifts to
help horses in need
Browse through this catalog
and find the perfect gift to
honor your loved ones. Your
meaningful gift will make a
difference for a rescue horse.
Step 2
Fill out the order form
Once you select your gifts, click the donate button beneath the categories and choose which designation(s) apply.
Step 3
Receive free gift cards to
honor your loved ones
For each person you honor, we
will send a gift card with a
description of the gift sent in
their honor; if requested.

Good nutrition is essential for a horse’s recovery & rehabilitation.
Your gift will provide a horse with the food they need to regain health you are fulfilling the most basic need of a horse entering rescue!
Food For 1 Week $50
Food For 1 Month $225

Regular hoof care is critical to a
horse’s health. A typical horse
weighs around 1000 pounds and
supports all of its weight on four
tiny feet. Their feet need to be
trimmed every six weeks
Your gift will provide a horse with healthy, pain-free feet.
Hoof Care 1 Time $50
Hoof Care-1 Year $425
Hoof Care-Shoes $175

No horse should have to sleep on bare floors, stand in manure and urine, or breathe ammonia fumes.
Your gift will provide a horse with a dry, clean, odor-free living space. Additionally, it will help keep their
hooves dry and healthy
Bedding For 1 Week $15
Bedding For 1 Month $60

With rescue horses we encounter many different health issues and access to timely intervention is essential. The horses sometimes need immediate assessment and treatment. Sometimes they have a condition that requires surgery. At the minimum they need an initial evaluation and vaccines.
Your gift will provide a horse with the necessary medical care that
they need to return to good health
Vaccinations For 1 Horse $150
1yr Dental Care For 1 Horse $125
Minor Surgery $1200

In returning a horse to health, it is of the utmost importance that they
receive the necessary supplements and wormer. Tucker, above, is enjoying his mineral block. Even something as simple as a salt block can help restore a horses’ health.
Your gift will provide a horse with the vital supplements it needs to return to full health.
1 Tube of wormer $18
5 Blocks Mineral Salt $60
1mo Supplements for 1 Horse $125

New Barn Addition
Expansion of our main barn will
provide a rescue horse with
desperately needed sanctuary. A
replacement for the rundown,
worn-out front barn has become
an urgent necessity.
Your gift will provide a horse with a
secure, dry place to live in safety.
Mats For 1 Horses’ Stall $500
Door For 1 Stall $1200
Build a Stall For 1 Horse $4300